Comfort Doesn't Change You coaching feelings goals Sep 03, 2024



“Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.”

--Brooke Castillo



According to Google, comfort is a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.  Just reading that makes me feel more relaxed.  Comfort is quiet, warm,...

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The Gift of Accepting Compliments Aug 27, 2024



“Learning to accept compliments gracefully is a vital part of learning to love yourself.”



Early in my coaching journey, I complimented my physician coach on an enlightening session.  She responded, “I accept your compliment with...

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The Undeniable Burden Of Shame balance lifestyle Aug 20, 2024



“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.” 

—Brené Brown



In her book, I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), Brené Brown takes the time to distinguish the difference between guilt...

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Do Nothing Goals balance goals lifestyle Aug 13, 2024



“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” 

—Mark Black



In August 2022, I gave myself one job: Do nothing. My goal was to rest, rejuvenate and relax. I have spent so much of my life hustling and achieving that a much-needed rest was undoubtedly in order....

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The Illusion of Control balance coaching feelings Aug 06, 2024



“When I argue with reality, I lose—but only 100% of the time.” 

—Byron Katie




Control is an illusion. We all know that to be true. We can be diligent about planning, coordinating, and scheduling and even leave a margin...

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The Gift Of Coaching coaching Aug 04, 2024



You can’t read the label from inside the jar.



I never saw myself as an athlete. Little League was an indisputable disaster, and my confidence was shaken. I did have a barbell and a bench and started lifting weights as a teenager. It wasn’t a regular hobby,...

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The Power Of Context balance coaching lifestyle Jul 30, 2024



“Life does not change if you only modify the content,

your life will change if you will dare to alter the context.”

–Santosh Kalwar



Have you heard the commencement speech given by David Foster Wallace, called This Is Water? I hadn’t....

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Let Go Of Your Story coaching Jul 16, 2024



“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

   Ralph Waldo Emerson




What is a story?  When I think of a story, I think of a fairy tale.  An imaginary account that has been concocted for...

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Finding Balance balance family Jul 07, 2024



Balance does not mean that everything gets equal weighting all the time



One of the biggest struggles of my adult life has been the elusive idea of work-life balance.  It seems like a simple concept.  First, determine your priorities.  Then, live your...

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The Audible Eye Roll: Reclaiming The Parts Of You That You Don't Like balance coaching Jul 02, 2024



“Once you accept your flaws, no one can use them against you.”

   Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones


I like to tell the story about the evening I met my wife.  We were out to dinner with a group of people, and she was sitting across the table...

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Put An End To Your Inner Critic balance coaching feelings Jun 25, 2024




What is this self inside us, this silent observer,

Severe and speechless critic , who can terrorize us

And urge us on to futile activity

And in the end, judge us still more severely

For the errors into which his own reproaches drove us?

   T. S. Eliot, The...

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The Dad I Want To Be balance family Jun 11, 2024



“Being a dad means being there for your pups through thick and thin, teaching them, playing with them, and showing them love every day. It’s the greatest adventure of all.”
―Bandit Heeler



If you have young children, you might be familiar with the...

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